Project Management – Our Team Supports Your Team
- Expertise in Debt Management
- ESCO Financing and Consulting Services
- Comprehensive Advisory Relationship
- Accessible and Available
Strategic Consulting
In servicing our clients’ debt needs, it has become apparent that there are services where they need additional assistance. UFASI works with these clients on a consulting basis to make sure all their financial issues are addressed through a carefully defined scope of services.
Examples of the types of services we offer are:
- Capital Planning
- Financial Modeling
- Drafting and Implementing Financial Policies
- Revenue Analysis for Self-Supporting Enterprises
- ESCO Consulting
Debt Administration
Debt administration relates to the ongoing monitoring of a client’s debt position, debt service payments and other ancillary needs required by securities laws.
These include:
- Maintain on-going surveillance of outstanding debt for refunding opportunities
- Prepare detailed revenue and expenditure projections
- Working with issuers and counsel to draft special acts of the state legislature
- Assist in preparation of presentations to major rating agencies
- Prepare financing schedules showing debt impact on municipal budgets.
Debt Management
UFASI provides a comprehensive advisory relationship including creative expert in Debt Management.
- In conjunction with Bond Counsel, assist in drafting articles and motions on loan orders and borrowing authorization
- Assist in satisfying various matters pertaining to the legal requirements letter presented by Bond Counsel
- Review and analyze municipality’s current credit position along with recommendations for improvement
- Assist in preparation of presentations to major rating agencies
- Prepare financing schedules
- Advise on projected debt service and issuance costs
- Advise on appropriate principal structure, term and payment dates
- Assist in preparation of offering disclosure
- Advise on availability and viability of bond insurance or other credit enhancements
- Advise issuer on most appropriate method of sale (competitive vs. negotiated)
- Assist in selection of underwriter, if appropriate
- Manage all aspects of bond/note sale including confirmation of bids
- Assist in coordination and execution of closing documents
- Management of bond/note settlement and delivery of proceeds